ADHD Affects Adults Too
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Makes careless mistakes/lacks attention to detail
Lacks sustained attention
Poor listener
Fails to follow through on tasks and instructions
Poor organization
Avoids tasks requiring sustained mental effort
Loses things necessary for tasks/activities
Easily distracted (including unrelated thoughts)
Forgetful in daily activities
Fidgets with or taps hands or feet, squirms in seat
Leaves seat often
Excessive running/climbing or feelings of restlessness
Difficulty with quiet leisure activities
Is "on-the-go" or "driven by a motor"
Excessive talking
Blurts out answers
Difficulty waiting turn
Interrupts or intrudes on others
How Envision ADHD Can Help
We understand the unique situation of working professionals with ADHD and utilize advanced technologies to offer effective, convenient, and time efficient medical services.
**No insurances accepted. See FAQ for more information on possible "out of network" benefits**

1. Online ADHD Evaluation
Initial 2 hour evaluation and testing completed from the comfort of your own home or office over secure Zoom video conferencing
Standardized Rating Scales
Comprehensive Psychiatric Assessment
Psychoeducation on Potential Diagnoses
Discussion of Treatment Options that may include:
Prescription Medications​
Further Lab/Genetic Testing
Therapy/Coaching Referalls
2. In Office Medication Startup
*includes home blood pressure monitor
Post-evaluation, in-person meeting to establish care as required for prescribing full range of medications
Obtain 1-Lead EKG
Measure Initial Blood Pressure & Heart Rate
Detailed Medication Discussion & Informed Consent
Selection of Pharmacy for Electronic Prescriptions
Home Blood Pressure Monitor Included

3. Ongoing Treatment Membership
$149/mo (reg $199/mo)
*may cancel at anytime
Convenient, all-inclusive direct care from your phone or computer free from commutes or waiting rooms
Expert ADHD Medication Management
Unlimited Zoom Online Follow-up Appointments
Unlimited Direct Messaging with Your Doctor
Electronic Prescriptions Directly to Pharmacy
Accommodation and Prior Authorization Paperwork
Therapy/Coaching Referrals
Access to Discounted:
Prescription Medication Programs
Self Decode Genetic Testing and Reports
Professional Grade Supplements
Full Service ADHD Testing, Evaluation, and Medical Care
Designed to meet the unique needs of the busy working professional
All-inclusive Ongoing Membership Model
* Cancel anytime
*** No insurances accepted. See FAQ for more information on possible "out of network" benefits
Consider reimbursify to submit for possible "out of network" insurance reimbursement paid directly to you

Membership Benefits
Targeted Supplement Recommendations
Therapy/Coaching Referral Information
Convenient Patient Portal Access
Simple, Transparent, All-inclusive Pricing
Discounted access to:
Professional Grade Supplements​
Cognifit Brain Training and Repeat Assessments
Lab Testing
Self Decode Genetic Testing & Reports